Our kids deserve it
ATTENTION: Gift idea! If you give now to the Glenning schoolyard fund, and then e-mail gifts@saveglenning.org, we will send you a link to an acknowledgement card that can be presented to your honoree(s).

In 1888, Holden and Phoebe Judson donated a 4-acre parcel of their land in the heart of Lynden (WA, USA) to be used for the education and recreation of Lynden youth. One hundred thirty years later, our generation may be responsible for losing part of this historic and valuable central space unless we act soon.

Please join us now in preserving all four acres of the Glenning schoolyard as a legacy for the Lynden community to enjoy.

The Glenning recreational space is situated just northwest of the downtown windmill, where Glenning St. approaches Main St., near the old Lynden Middle School (click on map below). This important open space is just blocks away from downtown's many services and amenities — Lynden Library, Jansen Art Center, Lynden Pioneer Museum, shops, restaurants, and more.

The land was originally donated in 1888 by Phoebe Judson (the "Mother of Lynden") and her husband Holden to house the city's first-ever public school. Ever since then, the Glenning schoolyard has served as a playfield and gathering place for the Lynden community. It is used frequently by local residents, as well as by groups as diverse as North County Special Olympics, North County Lacrosse, and Rock the Block Lynden.

The City of Lynden was recently able to purchase the $1.45M Glenning schoolyard property from the school district using $535,000 from generous community donors, $200,000 of its own funding, and additional funding from borrowed sources. Local voters also contributed $200,000 toward the purchase price by passing the Lynden Regional Parks & Recreation District bond of November, 2019. However, existing agreements allow for the sale of a portion of the property if the roughly $500,000 of remaining funds cannot be raised by 2021.

Once the land is fully paid for, this versatile space will offer numerous possible uses, to be determined by a future group of community members and our City. Splash pad, recreation fields, basketball courts, picnic areas, enhanced green space, outdoor performance venue, playground — if we preserve the land, then our community will be able to decide among many wonderful possibilities.

Now is your opportunity to help preserve this gem of green space for our community, now and for generations to come.

The events of 2020 have led many of us to consider our place in history, and to value our public outdoor spaces in new ways. More than ever, we see the importance of coming together as a community and in support of our community. Whether you have Lynden roots that are generations deep, or you’re planting new ones, you know that people here come together and work hard to get things done.

Please join our community effort to secure public stewardship of the Glenning property in the heart of Lynden for recreational use by our young people, now and always. Tax-deductible donations can be made through our project partner, the Whatcom Community Foundation, either online on the WCF website, or by mail (plase click here for a printable form). You can also donate through your Facebook account, and follow us on Facebook.

This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to save this storied, irreplaceable parkland in the heart of town as a legacy for the Lynden community to enjoy for generations to come. Please join us!

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This page was last updated in December, 2020.